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B.Com General

About the Department


B.Com. General (Shift I & II)

I-Year      II-year   III-year
I-SEMESTER                                     III-SEMESTER                         V-SEMESTER
Language I Language-III Cost Accounting
English-I English-III Practial Auditing
Finicial Accounting-I Corporate Accounting - I Logistics and Supply Chain  Management
Principles of Management Company Law Finical Management
Business Economics/Business Communication-Elective International Trade-Elective Income TaX Law And Practice-I
Skill Enchancement Course(SEC 1)-MS Office for Commerce (Practical)/Basic Tamil Skill Enchancement Course (SEC 4)-Basics of Entrepreneurship

Value Education


Foundation (Bridge Course)-Professional Ethics Skill Enchancement Course (SEC 5)-Website Designing
Environmental Studies
 II SEMESTER                                       IV SEMESTER                   VI SEMESTER                                               
Language-II Language-IV Advanced Cost Accounting
English-II English-IV Management Accounting
Finanicial Accounting-II Corporate Accounting-II Entrepreneurial Development
Business Law Principles Of Marketing Income Tax Law and Practice-II
Indian Economic Development -Elective Financial Services -Elective Human Resource Management
Skill Enhancement Course(SEC 2)-Accounting using Excel (Practical) /Basic Tamil Skill Enhancement Course (SEC 6)-Cash Accounting and Operating Cycle Extension Activity
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC 3)- Retail Management Skill Enhancement Course (SEC 7)-Fintech
Environmental Studies

Add-On Courses

The Department of Commerce, organizes Add-on Courses

The department enhances students’ professional skills through the following courses:

  • Stock Market & Trading
  • Digital Marketing
  • ERP Tally
  • Event Management



  • Practical skills aligned with industry standards.
  • Certification to enhance job prospects and entrepreneurial opportunities.
  • Hands-on training for modern business challenges.

Memorandum of Understanding

Hindustan College of Arts & Science signed an MoU on 17/2/2020 with Mr. C. Balachandran, Director & CEO, Vidhyarupa School of Management Studies, Kochi, Kerala, India for Certified Management Accountant (CMA), a professional course offered by Institute of Management Accountant(IMA), USA. This course will be administered by the School of Business Studies.

Signed MoU on 17/2/2020 with Vidhyarupa School of Management Studies, Kochi, Kerala,


Hindustan College of Arts & Science signed an MoU on 27.02.2022 with Mr. Joshua Gerard, Chief Operating Officer, Tamil Nadu Advanced Technical Training Institute (TATTI)


Signed MoU on 27/2/2020 with Tamil Nadu Advanced Technical Training Institute (TATTI)


Hindustan College of Arts & Science signed an MoU on 28.02.2022 with Eva Stalin IAS Academy, Chennai, to provide training and coaching to the students in UPSC, TNPSC, Banking, SSB, RRB and other competitive examinations. This exclusive training provides confidence and they are equipped to face the competitive exams and to get placed in Government Jobs.


Signed MoU on 27/2/2020 with with Eva Stalin IAS Academy, Chennai.


Hindustan College of Arts & Science signed an International MoU on 19.01.2022 with Tunku Abdur Rahman University, Kualampur, Malaysia with the School of Business Studies



Ganesh Moorthy. E
Ganesh Moorthy. E
Senior Professional
DXC Technogies Private Limited, Chennai
Sanjay P
Sanjay P
(2008 - 2011)
Company Secretary cum Legal Manager
XS Real Group
(2003 -2006)
Officer IT (Information Technology).
Punjab National Bank, Chennai.

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to experience the joy of counting and evaluating currency value to satisfy monetary power?… Here is undoubtedly, the most diversified and distinguished course offered to prove your financial worth. B.Com. is an ideal course for all those who want to become CA, CS, CMA or CFA in future and are interested to make careers in the fields of finance, taxation, and accountancy. There are various job profiles a person can have after graduating in Commerce. Jobs exist in sectors like accounting, auditing, tax advisory services, financial services, commercial banking and many more.

Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Corporate Accounting, Financial Management, Principles of Management, Business Communication, Retail Marketing, Elements Of Insurance, Business Taxation, Income Tax, Banking, Business Environment, Entrepreneurial Development, Human Resource Management, Business Law, Company Law, Business Economics, Indian Economy, Business Statistics and Operation Research.

Passion to understand the corporate world or a vigor to explore the government sector, commerce provides you with untiring options as a Business Executive, Accountant, HR Manager, Data Analyst, Marketing Manager, Investment Banker, Wealth Manager, Project Manager, Research and Development Manager, Entrepreneur, Bank PO/ Clerk, SSC, Railways, RBI.

A candidate holding a B.Com. Degree with minimum of 55% of marks is exempted from doing foundation courses. Students can directly take up professional courses such as CA (Chartered Accountant), CMA (Certified Management Accountant), CS (Company Secretary), and CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst).

Tally classes on a Bi-Weekly basis are held for the students to learn the relationship between concepts and practical applicability of data. Students can pursue CMA course simultaneously with their B.Com degree.
