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Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is playing a major role in designing and maintaining quality assurance within academic systems. They frame the policy for the academic and administrative growth of the institution.


The primary aim of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.


  • Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
  • Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education.
  • Organisation of workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
  • Documentation of the various programmes /activities leading to quality improvement.
  • Organising orientation programmes for Staff and Administrative Staff.
  • Springboard – A Leadership Programme for Quality Circle members.
  • Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC.
  • Administering Feedback Mechanism for the College.
  • Dissemination of information through national Survey on Higher Education All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE)
    initiated by the Ministry of Human Resource Development.


  • IQAC shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for:
  • Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
  • Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching, learning and evaluation.
  • Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and functioning of the support structure.


  • IQAC will facilitate / contribute:
  • To a heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and facilitate internalization of the quality culture.
  • To the enhancement and integration among the various activities of the institution and institutionalize many good practices.
  • To the enhancement and integration among the various activities of the institution and institutionalize many good practices.
  • To provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.
  • To act as a change agent in the institution.
  • To better inter communication.



IQAC Co-ordinator

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is playing a major role in designing and maintaining quality assurance within academic systems. They frame the policy for the academic and administrative growth of the institution.

II Cycle Report

Perspective Plan and Deployment

Strategic Plan (2017-22)

Following major areas were chosen to be covered in this plan

  • Academics
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Administration
  • Research
  • Infrastructure/Other facilities
  • Industrial Interference's
  • Alumni Interaction
  • Social Responsibility
  • Financial Planning and Support
  • Digitalization


  • Providing various value-added courses to students each  semester .
  • Providing skill-based courses which will help in increasing their practical knowledge.
  • To maintain continuous good academic performance, motivating students by periodic interactions with distinguished guests.
  • Students and faculties are encouraged to take up online short-term courses to enhance skills and technical abilities.
  • Development of knowledge to cater for the need of the economy, society, and on the whole to contribute to the development of the nation.
  • To improve the results of week students, the conduct of tutorials, remedial classes, class tests and assignments. 
  • To further enhance bright students, encourage students to carry out mini research projects and to present a paper in conferences and seminars/workshops.
  • Conducting faculty development programmes for enhancing the quality of teaching and skill-based training programs for staff.
  • To enhance the quality of teaching and learning effective
    • Set up more new laboratories and upgrade the existing laboratories.
    • Encourages staff to use ICT Tools
    • Setup more smart class rooms
    • Encourage staff to participate in orientation programmes and refresher programmes
    • Encourage faculties to do more certificate courses

Co-curricular Activities:

  • Physical development activities including games, sports and athletics are to be conducted periodically.
  • Cultural development activities like music, dancing, dramatics, exhibition sand celebration of festivals are conducted in the institution under various themes.
  • Emotional and Natural integration development activities: organization of speech programmes, the celebration of national and international days.




  • Supervising day-to-day operations of the administrative department and staff members, Hiring, training, and evaluating employees and taking corrective action when necessary.
  • Developing, reviewing, and improving administrative systems, policies, and procedures.
  • Decentralization and participate administration of the establishment encourage the organization to move forward as well as assist the employees develop themselves by taking decisions on strategic administrative issues.
  • To facilitate a friendly, effective and flawless administrative setup ensuring a smooth day-to-day functioning:
    • Conduct periodic and need-based meetings
    • Promote team spirit and healthy relations among staff members of the institution


  • To improve the research, teachers and students are provided with partial financial support to attend the conferences/seminars/workshops and towards membership fees of professional bodies.
  • Providing research facilities for faculties pursuing their PhD’s
  • Improve research outcomes and produce more intellectual property rights (IPRS).
  • More collaborative, interdisciplinary, socially relevant, industry-sponsored research should be pursued.
  • Motivate faculties and research scholars to publish more articles in the UGC listed/Scopus/SCI indexed journals.
  • Organize seminars/workshops and conferences to promote research culture.
  • Promoting faculties to undertake major and minor research projects.
  • Upgrade the college library with more research journals.
  • Registering the MOUs with different technical and non-technical organizations.
  • Apply for funds & research grants from various govt. agencies like UGC, DTE, DST, SERB, AICTE and etc.
  • Upgrade and  renew of existing MOUs with other organizations.
  • To motivate research among PG students, distribute prizes for best research papers.

Infrastructure/ Other facilities:

  • Construction of buildings and ensuring safety & security management.
  • Constructing Girls Hostel.
  • Hygienic, zero plastic and green campus. Recycling of water, herbal garden, and organic garden.
  • Library infrastructure up gradation.
  • Setting up new smart rooms
  • Setting up new laboratories
  • Setting up Bio-Gas plant.
  • Energy Conservation – Solar Plant

Industry interface placement activity.

  • Invite industrial experts to motivate students and provide practical knowledge.
  • Strengthen campus placement and training facilities by making more industrial linkage.
  • Promote students to work on real projects for industries & companies.
  • MOU with technical &non-technical companies
  • Organizing Job Mela

Alumni Interactive:

  • Alumni association to increase their participation in the development of the institution, sponsorship/ scholarships/ fund generation.
  • Development of Alumni cell to increase placement ratio.
  • Regular interaction with alumni and networking. Recognition of successful alumni for appreciation and facilitation.

Social Responsibility:

We are focused on promoting a sense of social responsibility in students by involving them in various social activities through NSS, NCC, YRS and Rotary Club.

  • Addressing socio-economic issues
  • Adaptation of more villages
  • Community College
  • Conducting health camp and NSS camp in various villages & areas in need.

Financial planning and support:

  • The college has various committees for financial planning for every financial year with the end goal of supporting and upkeep facilities like merit-based
  • Scholarships, research funds, infrastructure, library, transport facilities, maintenance and etc.


            To promote digitalization in Academics and Administration

  • Admission: Institute website is used for online admission for general information downloads brochures, etc.
  • Maintaining Accounts: The College uses the Software for the maintenance of accounts records.
  • Examination: The College uses the Google form app for conducting of online examinations, and Google Meets apps for conducting midterm papers and maintaining attendance, mark entry, evaluation etc.
  • Lecture notes: The College uses college you tube channels to upload video lectures. 
  • The library uses multi-user software for Acquisition, Cataloguing, OPAC, Circulation, Article Indexing, Serial Control, System Administration etc.

The Implementation of these plans has yielded:

  • Number of papers published in reputed Journals have increased manifold and student involvement in this activity has also improved.
  • Some of the departments have filed and also received grants on their patents 
  • More students from the socially deprived section of society were accepted with minimal fee  Innovative projects were developed in the institute with combined efforts of faculty members and students during and post-pandemic period of COVID-19
  • Regular interaction with alumni helped students to decide on their future course of education and profession
  • Number of faculty members pursuing doctoral program, in the institute have increased.

Describe activities successfully implemented based on Strategic plan.


  • Faculty development programmes have been conducted Periodically.
  • Value added course (Add-on course) to students in each semester.
  • Some of the value added courses are listed here:
    • Photo Journalism
    • Stress Management
    • Art Therapy
    • Mushroom Cultivation Technology, Motion Graphics and Editing, News Production, Digital Film Making
    • Astronomy
    • Social Legislation for Social Workers
    • Vermi Composting
    • Cyber Security, Data Science, Web Designing
    • Python Programming
    • Digital Script Writing
    • Tally ERP 9
    • SPSS


  • MOU’s with various organizations has been signed and MOUs were renewed.
  • CRD has initiated HCAS Outstanding Student Research (OSR) award exclusively for postgraduate students of HCAS. Every year few students will be awarded with HCAS OSR based on their contributions to research.
  • First HCAS Outstanding Student Research Award (HCAS OSR) was organized on 6th May, 2022. Dr. K. Nandakumar, Director (Research), HITS was the Chief Guest. 5 PG students were awarded with HCAS OSR award based on their contribution to research. The award comprises of the cash prize, certificate and a medal.
  • Patents Filed recently
    • Title: Process of preparation of polyhedral extract formulation preventing the proliferation of cancerous cells and product thereof.
    • Title: A pharmaceutical herbal formulation inhibiting oral cancer.


  • Constructed a new computer lab
  • Bio-Gas Plant has been installed
  • Solar Plant has been installed.
  • Smart Rooms were constructed.
  • Girls Hostel has been opened in campus.

Industrial interface & placement activity:

Alumni Interactive:

Social Responsibilities:


  • Admission: Institute website used for online admission for general information downloads brochure, dissemination of notification etc.
  • Attendance: Maintained through ERP (Staff &Students were equipped with Mobile apps for attendance, fee, communications, etc)
  • Maintaining Accounts: The College uses the Software for the maintenance of accounts records
  • Examination: The College uses the Google form App for conducting online examinations.
  • Lecture notes: Uses college YouTube channels to upload video lectures. 
  • Library: The library uses multi-user software.

