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The Rotaract Club of HCAS was established on the 5th August, 2017.SPONSORED BY ROTARY CLUB OF CHENNAI CAPITAL RID – 3232

Office Bearers - 13 No:s

Faculty Co-Ordinators (2022 - 2023)

o Mrs.D. Jayanthi Margret
o Mr. S. Sabapathi.


Rtr.S.Siva Chandran



Aim of the Club

Our Club aims at providing an opportunity for students to exchange ideas with leaders in the community,

  • To develop the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development.
  • To address the physical and social needs of their communities.
  • To develop innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges and to promote better relations between all people worldwide.


  • Rtr.A.Baskar, Vice president
  • Rtr.S.Agnes Beula, Sergeant at arms
  • Rtr.S.R.Vishal Priyan, Joint secretary
  • Rtr.D.Karthik, Treasurer
  • Rtr.S.Karthick, Associate Treasurer
  • Rtr.D.Praveen Kumar, Club service
  • Rtr.M.Vivek, Community service
  • Rtr.S.M.Mohammad Ali, Associate community service
  • Rtr.E.Logesh, Professional service
  • Rtr.P. Prem Kumar, International service
  • Rtr.R.Hemanth Kumar, PRO
  • Rtr.B.Poornima, TECH
  • Rtr.J.S.Prabhu, Editor


Kids Payanam

On 23rd July 2022, the Rotaract Club of Chennai organized "Kids Payanam," a special event aimed at creating a memorable day for orphanage children. The event included a day trip to a chosen destination, engaging activities such as games and entertainment, nutritious meals and snacks, and a focus on fostering interaction and bonding among the children. The event successfully brought joy, happiness, and a sense of belonging to the children, allowing them to create lasting memories and develop connections. Kids Payanam showcased the community's commitment to the well-being of orphanage children and emphasized the importance of community engagement. The Rotaract Club of Chennai remains dedicated to supporting underprivileged children and plans to continue organizing impactful initiatives in the future.


On December 22, 2022, a heartwarming event took place, aiming to bring joy to mentally challenged individuals by providing them with their favorite food and spending an enjoyable day together. The event focused on creating a positive and inclusive atmosphere, where the participants could feel valued and appreciated. Special care was taken to prepare and serve their preferred dishes, ensuring a delightful dining experience. The day was filled with laughter and engaging activities, tailored to their interests and abilities. This event served as a reminder of the importance of catering to the needs of all individuals in our community and fostering a sense of belonging. The organizers were inspired by the smiles and happiness shared throughout the day, reaffirming their commitment to creating more inclusive and enjoyable experiences in the future.


On November 12, 2022, the event "Smile" was organized to invest quality time with orphanage kids, teach them about good touch and bad touch, provide nourishing food, and bring smiles to their faces. The event created a safe and nurturing environment where the children learned about personal boundaries and safety. Engaging activities and games were conducted to ensure their happiness and emotional well-being. Additionally, nutritious meals were served, catering to their dietary needs. "Smile" successfully empowered the children with knowledge, fostered a sense of care, and left a lasting impact on their lives, reaffirming the organizers' commitment to supporting vulnerable children.

Hair for hope

On February 3, 2023, the event "Hair for hope" took place, coinciding with Cancer Day, where over 40 college students selflessly donated their hair to cancer patients. With a strong sense of satisfaction, these students contributed their hair to make wigs for cancer patients who had lost their hair due to chemotherapy. Additionally, six faculty members also generously donated six inches of their hair. The project was inaugurated by our esteemed Vice Principal, who showed her support and encouragement for this noble cause. The event not only provided cancer patients with a renewed sense of hope and confidence but also highlighted the compassion and selflessness of the college students and faculty involved.

Plant in plenty 

On March 13, 2023, the event "Plant in Plenty" took place with the aim of creating a greener environment. Saplings were purchased and planted in abundance, particularly in wet and suitable areas, starting with our college campus. The initiative was driven by the desire to promote green spaces and foster a sense of peace and harmony around our college. By planting these saplings, the event sought to contribute to the overall well-being of the environment, improving air quality, and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the surroundings. The "Plant in Plenty" event exemplified our commitment to sustainability and acted as a small yet impactful step towards creating a greener and more sustainable future.

Coastal Cleanup

On September 17, 2022, in celebration of International Coastal Cleanup Day, the District Community Service Team collaborated with 17 Rotaract Clubs from District 3232 to organize a massive coastal clean-up effort. A total of 750 dedicated volunteers joined forces to clean up the coastal areas of Besant Nagar Beach and Marina Beach. The team diligently collected garbage, including plastic covers and other solid wastes, from the shores, contributing to the cleanliness and preservation of these popular beach destinations. The coastal clean-up event served as a testament to the collective commitment of the community to keeping the beaches clean and promoting environmental stewardship.


On March 14, 2023, the project "Sangiene" was initiated with the main objective of providing sanitary napkins to roadside people. Recognizing the importance of menstrual hygiene and the challenges faced by individuals who may not have access to proper sanitary products, this project aimed to address this critical need. By providing sanitary napkins, the project aimed to promote the well-being and dignity of roadside individuals, ensuring they have access to essential menstrual hygiene products. "Sangiene" stands as a testament to the commitment to improving the lives of marginalized communities and fostering a culture of inclusivity and support.


On March 15, 2023, the project "Pawsitive" was initiated with the purpose of finding a solution for stray dogs that are suffering from untreated diseases and being left out. Recognizing the plight of these vulnerable animals, the project aimed to address their medical needs and provide them with the necessary care and attention. Through collaboration with veterinary professionals and animal welfare organizations, "Pawsitive" sought to implement effective strategies for treating and preventing diseases among stray dogs. By taking action and offering support to these animals, the project aimed to improve their overall well-being and create a more compassionate and responsible society. "Pawsitive" stands as a symbol of our dedication to the welfare of stray dogs, ensuring they are not forgotten or neglected.

Heart to heart 

On March 16, 2023, the project "Heart to Heart" was launched with the main objective of providing a health mix to roadside families. Understanding the nutritional challenges faced by vulnerable communities, particularly those living on the streets, this project aimed to address their dietary needs and promote their overall health. By providing a health mix, a nutritious food supplement, the project sought to improve the well-being and nourishment of roadside families. "Heart to Heart" was driven by the belief that everyone deserves access to wholesome and nourishing meals, regardless of their circumstances. The project aimed to make a positive impact on the lives of these families, fostering a sense of care and compassion within the community.

Not your fault 

On March 16, 2023, the project "Hearttoheart" was launched with the main objective of providing health mix to roadside families. Understanding the nutritional challenges faced by vulnerable communities, particularly those living on the streets, this project aimed to address their dietary needs and promote their overall health. By providing health mix, a nutritious food supplement, the project sought to improve the well-being and nourishment of roadside families. "Hearttoheart" was driven by the belief that everyone deserves access to wholesome and nourishing meals, regardless of their circumstances. The project aimed to make a positive impact on the lives of these families, fostering a sense of care and compassion within the community.

Professional service Unbound 

On July 23, 2022, the event "Unbound" was organized with the purpose of empowering Rotaractor’s to grow professionally and enhance their knowledge of sponsorship details and tie-ups. The event aimed to provide Rotaractor’s with valuable insights and resources to develop their professional skills and expand their network. Through interactive workshops, expert speakers, and informative sessions, participants were equipped with the necessary tools and information to effectively seek and establish sponsorships and partnerships for their initiatives. "Unbound" encouraged Rotaractor’s to unlock their full potential, fostering a sense of independence and resourcefulness in their endeavors. The event served as a platform for learning, collaboration, and growth, enabling Rotaractor’s to make significant strides in their personal and professional development.


On November 10, 2022, the session "Symphenia" was conducted with the aim of providing basic knowledge about editing to college students. The focus of the session was on professional poster making, equipping students with essential skills in graphic design and visual communication. Through this interactive session, students had the opportunity to learn about various editing techniques, software tools, and design principles that contribute to creating impactful and visually appealing posters. "Symphenia" aimed to empower students with the ability to effectively communicate their ideas and messages through visual mediums. By acquiring these valuable skills, students were equipped to excel in their academic and professional endeavors, as well as unleash their creativity in various creative projects.

Dance till Dawn

On January 18, 2023, the event "Dancetilldawn" was held, focusing on conducting a dance session for kids and choreographing a song specifically for them. The event spanned three days, during which dedicated instructors taught the children various dance moves and techniques. The aim was to foster their love for dance and provide them with an opportunity to showcase their talent. The participants eagerly practiced and perfected their routine throughout the three-day session, culminating in a grand finale on the last day where they performed a full song with enthusiasm and joy. "Dancetilldawn" provided a platform for children to express themselves through dance, boosting their confidence and creating lasting memories of fun and creativity.

Periods positive

On March 17, 2023, the event "Periodspositive" took place with the purpose of educating school students about menstruation, menstrual hygiene, and dispelling myths surrounding periods. The event focused on providing comprehensive knowledge about this natural biological process, promoting awareness and understanding among students. Through informative sessions, discussions, and interactive activities, students were taught about the importance of menstrual hygiene practices and the available resources for managing their periods. Additionally, the event aimed to address common misconceptions and provide accurate information to debunk myths associated with menstruation. By empowering students with accurate knowledge, "Periodspositive" aimed to foster a positive attitude towards menstruation and promote open dialogue, ensuring that students can navigate this aspect of their lives with confidence and dignity.

Silent Screams

On March 18, 2023, the session "Silentscreams" was conducted, specifically targeting youngsters who were facing mental stress in their daily lives. The objective of the session was to provide a safe and anonymous platform for participants to express their untold issues and challenges. Participants were encouraged to write down their concerns on chits without revealing their identities. These chits were then collected by a speaker who shared valuable insights and guidance on overcoming these challenges. The session also included engaging activities designed to promote self-reflection and personal growth. "Silentscreams" aimed to create a supportive environment where participants could openly address their mental health concerns, learn coping strategies, and find solace in knowing that they were not alone in their struggles.
