Green Campus
Hindustan College of Arts & Science established an herbal garden to popularize the use of commonly available medicinal plants and also encourage the student to pursue research on the same. Currently, more than 20 medicinal herbs and 10 medicinal trees are available in the garden. Enviro Club, Department of Biotechnology is responsible for the maintenance of the Herbal Garden with the active involvement of the Enviro-club volunteers.

A photograph showing herbal garden
Azolla is a fast-growing protein (20%) rich aquatic fern. It is also called water fern, duckweed, fairy moss, and mosquito fern. We can use Azolla as fodder, food, pollution control agent, and biofertilizer. Hence, Enviro Club, Department of Biotechnology initiated to start an Azolla Production Unit with the support of management on 8thAugust, 2019.

A photograph showing Azolla production unit
The organic garden has been effectively established in the year 2014. The Department of Microbiology is maintaining the organic garden, through which we are harvesting the vegetables free from chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The Vermicompost is used as a biofertilizer in the organic garden.
A photograph showing an Organic garden
The College initiated a small but firm step to protect and preserve the greenery of the campus and to enhance the green environment culture among the students. Vermicompost Unit is an eco-friendly setup made to manage the organic solid waste generated on the campus. It is an effective unit that generates a huge quantity of compost. Compost is applied frequently in the organic garden situated on the campus. Moreover, certificate courses on Vermicompost were organized for the students and staff. The Vermicompost unit is maintained by the Department of Microbiology.

A photograph showing the Vermicompost unit

Greenhouse gases emitted by automobiles have long hurt the atmosphere and caused global warming. This is a major problem in big metro cities in particular. The best way to reduce this carbon footprint would be to minimize the use of automobiles altogether. In view of that College took the below steps to mitigate the pollution.
- Automobiles (both 2 & 4 wheelers) of staffs & students are restricted to enter College premises.
- Students are advised to use public transport or college buses for transport.
- The security officers are appointed for stringent monitoring of student, staff & visitors' vehicle entry.

A photograph showing restricted entry to the automobiles zone (Near the Main block)
The University Grant Commission (UGC) on Friday, August 30, 2019, issued guidelines to ban the use of plastic in universities and educational institutions. “Swachhata Hi Sewa” Campaign is being launched by the Government of India from September 11, 2019, to October 02, 2019 with an aim to eliminate the use of plastic and to dispose of plastic waste. In view of that College has taken up the task of educating young minds on the need for a plastic-free future and as part of the initiative, the management has banned all plastic from its campus.

A photograph showing the ban use of plastic warning boards (Entrance of Canteens - 1 & 2)

A photograph showing ban use of plastic warning board (Entrance of Canteen - 3)

A board remind the proper disposal of waste (Inside Canteen - 1)

A board reminds the proper disposal of waste (Entrance of Philip Hostel)
The campus is beautifully landscaped with meadows, trees, and plants in the available space. Meadow and native tree species that breathe out oxygen. These zones have been developed since it has been proven that oxygen is essential for the holistic development of young students’ minds.

A photograph showing a greenish meadow landscape.

A photograph showing trees surrounding Malala Hall (Near Philip Hostel)

A photograph showing trees surrounding sitting area for students
The college is known for its lush foliage trees native to India. The trees are part of the heritage of the college. We have been conducting a green audit to assess the plant species on our campus. As part of the digital garden project, the trees now have boards with their names and a QR code, which when scanned would lead to a link to the college website with information about the garden. QR codes on local plant species to help to know & conserve them.

A photograph showing a tree with QR name board (Inside the herbal garden)
The campus has sufficient space for parking vehicles of staff and students. In order to have block-free movement, well-marked parking tiled pedestrian pathways are available on the campus. Pedestrian pathways inside the campus are well maintained. Pedestrians can walk safely through the campus through walk-friendly pathways without interruption by vehicles since the entry of vehicles inside the campus is restricted.

The ultimate aim of the organic garden is to conserve the environment and natural resources, re-establishing ecological balance, encourage sustainable agriculture, improving soil fertility, conserving flora and fauna, increasing genetic diversity, and putting an end to chemical pollution and toxic residues. Our Esteemed Director, Dr. Susan Marthandan has come up with an idea of “ORGANIC GARDEN” in our campus. Hence the Hindustan College of Arts & Science decided to form an eco-friendly environment. In this regard, Organic Garden has been effectively established in the year 2014. The Department of Microbiology is maintaining the Organic Garden, through which we are harvesting the vegetables free from chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The Vermicompost is used as a biofertilizer in the Organic garden; due to this the harvested vegetables are highly rich in nutritive elements such as Proteins, Vitamins, and Minerals etc.
- Tomato
- Brinjal
- Ladies finger
- Radish
- Chilli
- Green leaves
- Bitter guard
- Snake guard
- Bottle guard
- Beans
- Mango
- Chikkoo (Sappotta)
- Banana finger
- Fashion fruit
Several experts and Social activists like Ln. Dr. Sathya Prema, President of Lions club, West Mambalam, Dr. M.B.Nirmal, President ExNora, Dr. Sultan Ahamed Ismail, Retd. Prof. of Zoology, New College, Dr. Ilanchezhiyan, Director, Dr. ALMPGIBMS, University of Madras, Taramani Campus and Dr. Sasikala, Prof & Head, Department of Microbiology, Presidency College had visited the Organic garden. Various News papers such as Downtown: 31st Sunday, Janurary, 2016, Daily Thanthi: 10th Wednesday, February, 2016, Deccan Chronicle: 2nd Saturday, April, 2016; published articles by appreciating our Director’s effort towards the maintenance of eco-friendly environment around the College campus through the Organic garden.