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Christmas Celebrations 2019

Time: 2019-12-19 10:40:38
HCAS, Chennai

Christmas Celebrations 2019

Christmas celebrations held in HCAS

Padur 19/12/2019

It started with congressional hymn and prayer as HCAS Chaplin Joby Verghese said prayer.  The Principal Dr. S. Thirumagan delivered welcome address as he welcomed Dr. T Robinson HOD department of mathematics MCC, Director Dr. Susan Marthandan the Deputy Director – Academics Dr. VJ Philip Vice Principal Mr. Samuel Sampath Kumar Deans HODs  students and others. Dr. Robinson is a double doctorate and a able mathematician who studied in England and presented papers in leading publications, Dr. Thirumagan said and said he is happy to have him as Chief Guest. While speaking on the Director he said she is dynamic person and busy eye doctor  running this college,  He spoke of the Deputy Director Academics Dr. VJ Philip in equally good terms as Dr. Philip was the Principal and Dr. Robinson served under him as HOD maths in MCC.   The principal also  welcomed VP Samuel Sampath Kumar, and students  to this event as he ended

Speaking on the occasion Dr. Susan Marthandan the Director said it is time to celebrate Christmas and college is celebrating 25 years of existence and we have had wonderful alumni program as 600 old students participated.  She thanked  god for this as nation is going through changing  time god is to be  with this nation she added.  She spoke how her father brought her to one hall named Susan and he introduced and said it is in her name as she was tiny  She is grateful to this for god and said  contributing to charity and educating poor in community college is happening.  HCAS is helping Government school in building a block, the  college had good international film festival, good business conference and alumni program although fewer admissions this year. She recited Jesus life story and collected episodes during her speech to show importance and relevance of Christmas as she wished everyone happy Christmas as she ended.   

Choir sang songs, a paly was enacted and dance programme was held on Christmas theme as the Chief Guest Dr. T. Robinson spoke next.   He thanked for inviting him happy to be here and said he like Choir song and play and it is occasion for everyone to enjoy and lot activities of shop keepers and travel agents are busier now.

He said from bible and on angels coming and good news is joy to all.He said Jesus is saviour saves from clutches of power dominion and messiah because he is holy one and lord authority over everyone. He said  5 titles to  watch wonderful wonderful working god class different beyond imagination He is counsellor blessed with love born 2000 years ago coming again to earth Dead will rise comfort one another along with living one and he is holy he said.  He thanked all and wished happy Christmas and New Year as he ended.

Dr. VJ Philip the Deputy Director – Academics spoke next and said how he received 6 rupees as scholarship in a school he studied and gave way scholarships instituted in his mothers and mother in law name in Hindustan Community College  and said how they were simple and caring  as prizes were distributed  for Spring festival competition winners as Mrs. Senthamiz Selvi HOD  business studies read out names. Mrs. Jayanthi Margaret HOD  ECS proposed a vote of thanks thanking everyone for making this occasion a great success. The meeting ended with closing hymn

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