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ELITE 2019

Time: 2019-09-20 10:06:51
HCAS, Chennai

ELITE 2019


The department of English organized, ELITE 2019, in grandeur, an Inter-Collegiate Literary Fest on 20th September 2019. The resplendent inaugural function commenced at 10.30 am at Newton Hall with an invocation to God, Almighty. Dr. S. Thirumagan, Principal, welcomed the gatherings.  Dr. Susan Marthandan, Director, HCAS, felicitated the gatherings. Mr. Olivannan Gopalakrishnan, CEO, Emerald Publishers, was the Chief Guest of the day, who inspired the participants with three P’s, Purpose, Passion and Perseverance, in his inaugural address.

Dr. P. Sakthi Prabha, Dean, School of Humanities, Dr. S. Sandhiya, Head, Department of English presided over the function.

Various Literary competitions such as Literary Quiz, Strike with colors, Caption Writing, Pictionary, Monologue, Mock Skit, Picturization, and Terribly Tiny Tales were conducted. Around 353 participants from 30 Colleges were actively participated in the event and Anna Adharsh College for Women, Chennai, won the overall trophy for Elite 2019. Dr. V J Philip, Deputy Director, Academics, distributed the prizes to the winners and delivered the valedictory address.

It was indeed a wonderful experience for the students of city colleges to bring out their talents.

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