Padur, Kelambakkam (OMR), Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai - 603 103.
Campus: 044 69034444 / 7824080621 Admission: 044 24469714 /9789885555
Matribhasha Diwas Report
Hindustan College of Arts & Science, Padur, celebrated Matribhasha Diwas, International Mother Language Day on 21/02/2020 by the Department of Languages. Dr Susan Marthandan, Director of the institution, Dr V.J. Philip Deputy Director, graced the occasion and the spoke about the importance of Mother Tongue such as Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, & French which helps the students to enhance the their Communication skills along with the culture and heritage of the language as its demanded in the present scenario.
Dr. S. Thirumagan , Principal said that Tamil is an ancient language of the world that provides unity and togetherness throughout the world as one family. The program concluded with National Anthem. (Video Link)