Padur, Kelambakkam (OMR), Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai - 603 103.
Campus: 044 69034444 / 7824080621 Admission: 044 24469714 /9789885555
Date: 28.5.2020
Topic: Modern Trends in Cinematography
Resource Person: Mr. Gopi Jagadeeswaran, Renowned Film Maker.
The School of Media Studies, HCAS, conducted the 01st webinar on 27/4/2020. Mr. Gopi Jagadeeswaran Cinematographer of Vaa and A 1 Tamil films, was the guest speaker. He spoke on the topic, “Cinematography,” which included, art of film and TV making, capturing images, film aesthetics, sound production and other aspects of modern film and TV show. He answered queries at the end, selecting answers from films and from his experience as cinematographer. More than 200 students from in and around Tamilnadu participated.