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Chimera Association Enviro Club

Time: 2021-03-17 11:16:25
HCAS, Chennai
Chimera Association Enviro Club

Chimera Association Enviro Club

On 17th March 2021 the Department of Biotechnology in association with Indian science congress Chennai chapter and IQAC Inaugurated the Chimera association, Enviro Club and conducted the seminar on the Title “Women in Science”. The Guest speaker was Dr. J. Jayanthi, Dean Research, GNCR, Associate Professor  & Head, PG & Research Department of Advanced Zoology & Biotechnology, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), Chennai.   The program started with a prayer song.

Dr. C. Elizabeth Rani, Head, Department of Biotechnoloy, HCAS gave welcome address and she introduced the Chimera Association and Enviro Club to the audience. She also spoke about the growth of the department from her Entry as a HOD and also about the university rank holders of the Biotechnology Department.

Dr. S. Illanjiam, Dean, School Of Sciences, HCAS, Felicitated the gathering for Chimera association, Enviro Club, Women in Science. And she spoke about the “Poster presentation” event organized by Chimera, Department of Biotechnology and also about her interesting poster titles from that event.

Dr. Susan Marthandan, Director, HCAS gave a felicitation address and she talked about the achievements of women in science by giving an example of Scientist Marie curie. And Dr. Susan Marthandan discussed the various vaccines available for COVID-19. She emphasized on the importance of getting vaccinated for COVID-19.  Dr. L. Krishnasamy, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology introduced the chief guest.

Dr. Susan Marthandan, Director, HCAS honoured the chief guest with Memento. The Chief Guest Dr. J. Jayanth., Asso. Prof. Guru Nanak College, Chennai 42 inaugurated the Chimera Association and Enviro Club and then she gave a talk on “Women in Science”. She spoke about women scientists and also about various Government projects available for students. And she ended her talk with a nice poem in Tamil about “Women”.

Dr. Susan Marthandan honored the dignitaries.  

Dr.Susan Marthandan, Director and Chief guest Dr. J. Jayanthi Gave Prize to the Poster presentation Event Conducted by the Chimera Association. The Poster presentation was conducted under 5 categories. Under Each category 3 prizes were given. Totally 56 students Participated and 18 were selected as prize winners. Certificate of Appreciation was given to Dr. R. Nirmala, Chimera Faculty coordinator and Mr. S. Venkata Krishnan and Miss. .J. Vijaya lakshmi (Student Coordinators) for poster presentation.

Finally Dr. R. Nirmala, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology gave vote of thanks. She thanked Indian Science Congress Chennai Chapter for the cash award to conduct the seminar. She thanked the chief guest Dr. J. Jayanthi for her wonderful talk. She thanked Dr. C. Elizabeth Rani for working hard to get the cash award from Indian science congress.   She thanked Dr. Susan Marthandan, Director for creating awareness on COVID-19 Vaccination.

The Chimera faculty coordinator played the video of events of Chimera association and video testimonial for the academic year 2019-2020. Later this academic year (2020-2021) Faculty coordinator, Student- Organizers, Executive members, Student-Coordinators were introduced. And the planned events for the academic year 2021 were discussed. Later Enviro Club Achievements were discussed by Dr. T. Ramesh.

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